Lemonade is my all time favorite beverage. It hits the spot on a hot summers day and nothing can beat the tangy lemon flavor. However, I have noticed that recently whenever I buy a bottle of lemonade at the store or from a restaurant, the lemonade is sickeningly sweet, with little or no sour taste at all. Taking my frustration over the lack of lemonade harnessing the sour part of a lemon, I decided to take things into my own hands and create a lemonade (for a class project) that focuses on sour rather than sweet. Not only that but the lemonade is organic and gathers it's sweetener from nature rather than something artificial. And that is where TrueTart gets its name from; all of the ingredients are gathered from a natural, true source, and the tartness of a lemon is the main focusing flavor.
I chose to draw my logo by hand to incorporate illustration aspects into my design. I knew right away I wanted the lemon to be puckering its mouth, and used an X to illustrate that. For the text logo, TrueTart, I wanted it to be playful and bubbly to match the little lemon character and I ended up also drawing the text.

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